More on Substitutions


Today’s post on recipe substitution’s is about what ingredients to substitute for garlic or onions. Some people have dietary reasons for such substitutions, but today’s post is focused on flavor as well.
Possible onion or garlic substitutes are:
Fennel (for a nice licorice flavor)
Bell peppers (sweet & colorful)
Celery root
Pepper corns (flavor with a bite)
Horseradish (for a little eye watering heat)
Cumin seeds
Hot peppers (more heat)
Galangal (blue ginger; more likely found local Asian food stores)
Asafetida/hing (a smelly rhizome used in Indian cuisine also more likely found in local Asian food stores)

The list is courtesy of

So far I have two more posts planned about ingredient
substitution to fill the time as I work on more posts about the cookbook. I am also planning a post on non-dairy nogs before the holidays pass completely.
To all those that are following this blog, liking the posts & so on-thank you. It really makes a difference doing something that is appreciated & ackowledged.

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